Macedonia loses 279 women each year as a result of breast cancer. 4% of the female population in Europe dies from the same disease. October is a month to raise the awareness of the dangers of this type of cancer. The high percentage of victims indicate that women are unaware that each of them can be on the black list.

Author: Katerina Topalova

This type of cancer develops in the breast tissue. It is the growth of abnormal cells that can invade and damage normal tissue. There is no rule where exactly it starts. The lump can be found on virtually any part of the breast. The reasons are unclear. It occurs in a large percentage in highly developed countries

The patient is not to blame for the disease. No one “deserves” a metastatic diagnosis and this does not mean that the woman made the wrong lifestyle decisions or did not detect it early enough. Some types of breast cancer are simply more aggressive than others.

Being sick looks different for every woman. Because women with metastatic breast cancer can often change their treatment regimen, the effects of treatment also change. Dizziness, nausea, pain and sleep problems are the most common discomfort. And as with all of us, there are good and bad days.

Building awareness and education about metastatic breast cancer, as well as correcting some of the commonly mistaken perceptions of the disease, sheds the unnecessary light on the “metastasers” and their families.

Living with metastatic breast cancer takes mental as well as physical “taxes” of the patient and her family. People may feel lonely and stigmatized by the disease, or feel like losers, in some sort of way. Depression and anxiety can be unnoticeable. Friends and family members also go through many difficulties. Greater support from friends, family and the wider surrounding can be significant, as well as increased awareness and education about metastatic breast cancer in general. There are many learning resources available.

Protecting your own health means doing self-checkups. Self-awareness for breasts can help you learn how your breasts look and feel normally. If you touch a lump, make an appointment with your doctor, but don’t panic, most lumps do not represent cancer. The changes you need to look for include:

● Lump or thickening in or near the breasts or in the part under the arms.

● Change the size or shape of the breasts

● Darkening or folding of the breast skin

● The nipple is pulled inside the breast

● Nipple discharge (fluid)

● Dry, red or swollen skin of the breasts, nipple or areola (dark skin surface in the center of the breasts)

All women between the ages of 50 and 69 who have no symptoms have the opportunity to have a free mammogram for eventual detection for breast cancer in their preclinical stage. Priority have women who are called in but do not have regulated insurance.

Doctors are decisive that a cure for breast cancer has not yet been found. What is constantly appealed to the female population is to always find time for their own health. In your life, pause for a checkup, pause for life. Female breasts are more than tits.c